Food for The Feast

One of the lessons of Sukkot is for both individuals and households to learn to be fully prepared. Remember that we are instructed not to come to the Feast empty handed in Deuteronomy 16:16-17. Everyone is ultimately responsible for their own meals so please plan accordingly. We can still all break bread together on the covered patio and on the three Holy days we will have fellowship meals where we can all bring a dish to share for lunch after service.

  • Food can easily be kept in coolers and cooked on your own portable camp grills.
  • Please keep all fires up off the ground, and use portable fire pits and bring portable camp grills for cooking.
  • Coffee house available every morning except for Holy days, specific hours TBA.
  • The Camp Store will be open every day, except for Holy days, stocked with extra drinks and snacks, specific hours TBA.
  • We will have fellowship meals scheduled for lunch, so be prepared to help pitch in for the Holy Days.
  • We will have access to a huge covered porch with tables and chairs.  There are also picnic tables scattered throughout the camp, and riverside.  So please, come together with your meals, sit, eat, fellowship!